Benign Humor is written and directed by Annabelle Weber, with music by Jackson Beckner, Maverick Wolf, Izzy Pizzaro, Charlie Timmons, and Alara Ureksoy.
Watch the live production now:
Book, Music and Lyrics by
Annabelle Weber, Izzy Pizzaro, & Maverick Wolf
Assistant Director
Nicole Parisi
Costume Designer & Associate Choreographer
Jackson Carney
Lighting Designer
Zola Gutierrez
Annabelle Weber………..….. Herself (duh)
Nicole Parisi….…..… MOTHER, Shannon
Annie Miller…...……..….……... Zoe, Alice, USF Student, B.C.M
Maverick Wolf……..… Maverick, Dr. Phil, Dumb Nurse, L . M
Matthew O’Hara……..…………. Diego, 911 Operator, Dr. Gellar, D.R
Jackson Carney…..………. EMT, Cyst, USF Student, Drag Jesus, Mr. M
Ada Jordan….…..…………. Nurse, Tumor, USF Student, Dumb Nurse, C.B
Alanna Bray………..………..……….. Dragon, Nurse Jackie, Dumb Nurse, Ms. S